1. "I stopped the auto-billing, but I was charged again."
2. "I did not authorize the charge."
3. "It is fraudulent."
It appears that the auto-billing was not successfully stopped, resulting in another charge. Possible reasons include:
1. You logged in by another email address that is different from the login/registered email address of your paid account.
Feedback example: When I have tried to cancel my subscription, and I go to Billing, it says the plan I am on is free. However, I am still being charged $8 a month for this. There is no way for me to cancel, even though I am being charged.
Reason: You are currently logged in as xx@gmail.com, but the email address associated with your paid account is xx@domainname.com. In reality, xx@gmail.com and xx@domainname.com could be the same interconnected email address, but we cannot know which two emails are interconnected and belong to the same person. Our website only recognizes the email address that was used for registration.
2. You intended to cancel the subscription/auto-billing but forgot to do so.
3. An issue with our customer support team.
4. Other reasons for the charge.
To resolve a payment dispute, please contact us immediately. We will conduct an investigation and issue a refund to you in a timely manner.