To add the extension to your Safari browser, please follow the steps below.
1. Click Safari from the menu bar, located next to the Apple icon. If the Safari browser has not been opened yet, open Safari from the bottom bar first.
2. Choose Safari Extensions from the dropdown menu.
3. Type Awesome Screenshot in the search box.
4. Click the GET button, and then click the INSTALL button.
5. Navigate to Settings of Safari.
6. Click Extensions to find the installed extension(s). From the left sidebar, select the checkbox next to the desired extension to pin/show it on your Safari toolbar.
You can also select Settings from the dropdown menu in Safari, select Extensions, and click More Extensions to search out the desired extension.
After clicking the OPEN button next to the extension, you will typically be guided to grant access. Usually, you can grant access by enabling the Awesome Screenshot extension in the "Privacy & Security" settings.