The Awesome Screenshot Firefox extension connects to our website recorder to record. To record your screen using the Firefox extension, follow these steps:
1. Currently, you will be required to sign in to record.
2. In the interface, select "Desktop" under the Record section.
3. Click Start Recording next to the black screen. Please ignore the black screen on the left which will not affect the subsequent recording content.
4. "no longer giving me the option to select the window I want - instead this is saying 'use operating system settings' with the 'select window or screen' being greyed out."
Firefox changed its interaction process recently. You need to navigate to that window first, and then click 'Share this window' to record a specific window. Alternatively, you can click 'Share Entire Screen' in the top right corner to record everything on your screen.
5. To stop recording, either click STOP on the recording page or click "Stop Sharing" in your screen sharing controls.